Session previews

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The SwissHoldings session preview provides information on the issues of the upcoming summer session from 27 May to 14 June, which will be discussed in the National Council and the Council of States. The preview contains a brief overview of the business, the progress to date and the positions of our association.

National Council

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SwissHoldings supports the Federal Council and is in favour of rejecting the initiative for a prudent policy.

On the agenda on 3 June 2024

Council of States

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The bill provides for the acquisition of strategic infrastructure in the energy industry to be subject to the Lex Koller with authorisation requirement, analogous to that for the acquisition of real estate by persons abroad.

On the agenda on 30 May 2024

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SwissHoldings recommends approving the proposal and putting the tax base into force.

On the agenda on 30 May 2024

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SwissHoldings is in favour of the diversity of free trade agreements in order to strengthen global trade.

On the agenda on 3 June 2024

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SwissHoldings supports the Confederation’s economic and political approach and is in favour of networking between the state and companies.

On the agenda on 3 June 2024

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SwissHoldings supports the partial revision of the Cartel Act as proposed by the Economic Affairs and Taxation Committee of the Council of States (WAK-S).

On the agenda on 11 June 2024

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SwissHoldings sees the new EFTA-Moldova free trade agreement as a positive step towards strengthening trade relations.

On the agenda on 11 June 2024


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