Background: Further information on the EU Supply Chain Act and initial assessment by SwissHoldings

With the final approval of the Council of the European Union to the European Parliament’s version on 24 May 2024, the EU directive on...

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The many new EU rules on sustainability reporting pose major challenges for companies

This is an automated translation. Last week, SwissHoldings took an in-depth look at the EU’s new rules on sustainability reporting at...

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Corporate social responsibility: Swiss companies on track

This is an automated translation. The federal government’s evaluation in the area of business and human rights confirms this: The...

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OECD publishes updated Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises to promote responsible business practices worldwide

The OECD Guidelines are the leading global standard for sustainable corporate governance in foreign direct investments. More than 50...

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Federal Council rightly adheres to an internationally coordinated approach in the area of corporate responsibility

This is an automatic translation, which is why errors may occur On the basis of a report, the Federal Council today evaluated the extent to...

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Consultation response to the ordinance on reporting on climate issues

This is an automated translation, which is why errors may occur. Summary of the position and concerns of the association Meaningful...

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Bundesrat hält Versprechen einer zeitnahen Umsetzung des Gegenvorschlages zur «Unternehmens-Verantwortungs-Initiative» ein

Gut ein Jahr nach Ablehnung der extremen Initiative an der Urne hat der Bundesrat heute die Verordnung zum indirekten Gegenvorschlag...

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Leistungen honorieren und neue Vorschriften praxistauglich festlegen

Gastkommentar von Stefan Brupbacher in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung Der indirekte Gegenvorschlag zur Konzernverantwortungsinitiative ist in...

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Gegenvorschlag zur Unternehmens-Verantwortungs-Initiative praxistauglich umsetzen

SwissHoldings hat heute die konsolidierte Eingabe der Wirtschaft zur Verordnung «Gegenvorschlag Unternehmens-Verantwortungs-Initiative»...

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