Company Law · Statements & Positions · 7. July 2022

Consultation on the approval of the Hague Convention – Statement by SwissHoldings

SwissHoldings welcomes the approval of the Convention. Within its scope of application, it creates legal certainty and ensures that decisions of agreed state courts are treated in the same way as those of arbitral tribunals. We are in favor of Switzerland not making any reservations or declarations to the Convention. Otherwise, these would again restrict …

Corporate Social Responsibility · Economics · Statements & Positions · 7. July 2022

Consultation response to the ordinance on reporting on climate issues

This is an automated translation, which is why errors may occur. Summary of the position and concerns of the association Meaningful information from all stakeholders is an important prerequisite for functioning markets. In this sense, SwissHoldings supports the aim of the ordinance to strengthen transparency on climate-related opportunities and risks. For the association, it is …

Updates · 28. June 2022

SwissHoldings Update June 2022

The Update offers an overview of SwissHoldings’ ongoing and upcoming items of business & activities. Download SwissHoldings Update June 2022 pdf

Company Law · Statements & Positions · 24. June 2022

20.026: Revision of the Code of Civil Procedure: submission on the protection of professional secrecy RK-S

This is an automatic translation, which is why errors may occur The business community supports the current revision of the CCP. In particular, it welcomes the fact that both the Council of States and the National Council recognize the importance of professional secrecy protection for in-house lawyers and approve such protection. The National Council took …

Company Law · Economics · Statements & Positions · 17. June 2022

21.082 Code of Civil Procedure. Amendment: Joint submission of the associations

This is an automatic translation, which is why errors may occur Ladies and Gentlemen of the National Council At your meeting on June 24, 2022, you are expected to discuss the above-mentioned bill on class action and collective settlement (“Class Action Bill”). If a large number of people have suffered the same or similar damage, …

Session previews · 23. May 2022

Session preview summer session 2022

  This is an automated translation, which is why errors may occur. The session preview provides an overview of important business falling within our area of activity that will be dealt with in the upcoming summer session (May 30 – June 17) in the National Council and the Council of States. With the session ticker, …

Company Law · Statements & Positions · Wirtschaft · 19. May 2022

Non-adoption of the class action bill (Business 21.082): Submission to the RK-NR

This is an automated tranlation, which is why errors may occur. We recommend that the class action bill (Business 21.082) not be passed The class action bill is not ready for political consideration. The Federal Council looks at the issue of dispute resolution from too limited a perspective and focuses in its proposal exclusively on …

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