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The success of Switzerland as a business location is the result of stable and forward-looking policies and attractive framework conditions. They form the foundation of our top international position. It remains all the more important that all actors – both public and private – continue to work hand in hand for the benefit of our location.
On Sunday, the Swiss people elected a new parliament. The voters brought about some significant changes. The SVP emerged as the clear winner in the National Council, while the Greens and the GLP suffered significant losses and the FDP lost slightly. The trends from the forecasts have thus been confirmed for the most part and are in large part more pronounced than predicted. These shifts reinforce the already existing party-political polarisation in the National Council, which may make the search for compromises more difficult.
Despite Switzerland’s good position in international comparison, the new Federal Assembly has a lot to do. The many crises of the past few years have once again impressively shown us the value of a solid business location. In order to secure this in the long term, the right measures must now be implemented and the course set for the future.
In recent years, all the players involved – both public and private – have recognised their responsibility for Switzerland’s success and promoted the attractiveness of our business location. This in turn has made large companies and extensive investments possible. The high research intensity and great innovative strength of the companies are the result of a targeted policy from which everyone benefits in the long term. All this, combined with a highly skilled labour pool, has produced many global industry leaders.
Shaping the future: A partnership between politics, business and government
One thing is clear: the stable political environment contributes significantly to Switzerland’s good reputation and its attractiveness as a business location. But it is also clear that the international challenges are great and the pressure on Switzerland as a business location will continue to increase in the coming years. Switzerland must prepare itself for these challenges. And this requires close cooperation between politics, business and administration, which focuses on promoting favourable framework conditions in order to further strengthen Switzerland’s competitiveness. This includes, above all, investments in research and development as well as sustainable and climate-friendly economic activity. Furthermore, we must ensure that the education of the workforce meets the requirements of an increasingly digital society. Only a highly qualified workforce will be able to meet the challenges of the changing world of work.
As an association of industrial and service companies, Swissholdings offers its support for sustainable and innovative solutions and uses its expertise to promote optimal framework conditions in Switzerland.
Dr Gabriel Rumo | Director | +41 (0)79 712 20 20