7. July 2022
SwissHoldings welcomes the approval of the Convention. Within its scope of application, it creates legal certainty and ensures that...
This is an automated translation, which is why errors may occur. Summary of the position and concerns of the association Meaningful...
24. June 2022
This is an automatic translation, which is why errors may occur The business community supports the current revision of the CCP. In...
17. June 2022
This is an automatic translation, which is why errors may occur Ladies and Gentlemen of the National Council At your meeting on June 24,...
19. May 2022
This is an automated tranlation, which is why errors may occur. We recommend that the class action bill (Business 21.082) not be passed The...
20. April 2022
SwissHoldings would like to thank the OECD for the opportunity to comment on the Draft Model Rules for Scope related to Amount A under...
11. April 2022
Wir bedanken uns bestens, für die Gelegenheit im Rahmen der Vernehmlassung zur Anpassung der Bundesverfassung betreffend Umsetzung des...
28. March 2022
Our detailed response (in the appendix) has been prepared in conjunction with our member companies. We very much welcome that the IASB is...
21. March 2022
Dear Madam, dear Sir, SwissHoldings, the Swiss Federation of Industrial and Services Groups in Switzerland, represents 61 Swiss groups,...
11. March 2022
Zusammenfassung: Die Vorlage muss – bevor die Botschaft verabschiedet wird, wesentlich überarbeitet werden, weil zwei wichtige Elemente,...