Page 3 - 2022_SwissHoldings_Zahlen und Fakten en-US
P. 3

In the case of regional focuses, there are   Regional distribution of personnel,   Regional breakdown: Member companies' direct investment abroad
           visible shifts in terms of both headcount                2020
           and capital stock                                                                                          2019                       2020
           In  terms  of  capital  holdings  of  our  member                                              Capital       Personal      Capital       Personal
           companies, the relative importance of the rest of
           Europe and  Africa increased. In Asia, however,                                                  million                     million
           the capital stock decreased. This is also primarily                                               CHF   %     absolute   %    CHF   %    absolute   %
           an effect of  the changes in membership. There
           were also shifts in the regional distribution of the                            EU              230'621   52   563'978   38   249'212   52   557'941   35
           workforce.  The  headcount  in  Africa  and  Latin
           America/Caribbean increased significantly. In the                               Rest  of  Europe   5'061   1   71'261   5    15'319   3    74'217   5
           EU,  on  the  other  hand,  there  was  a  decline  in                          Switzerland)
           headcount, also in absolute terms.                EU
                                                             Übriges Europa (ohne Schweiz)  USA, Canada    119'175   27   224'062   15   122'853   26   233'629   15
                                                             USA, Kanada
                                                                                           Latin   America,
                                                             Lateinamerika, Karibik        Caribbean        35'323   8   169'364   11   40'394   8   183'768   12
                                                             Asien, Australien, Ozeanien
                                                                                           Asia,  Australia,
                                                             Afrika                                         48'176   11   423'173   28   43'207   9   445'486   28
                                                                                           Africa            2'619   1    51'199   3     8'301   2    77'071   5

                                                                                           Total           440'976   100   1'503'036   100   479'286   100   1'572'111   100
                                                                                          Source: Swiss National Bank

          * Rounding can lead to differences between the totals and the sums of the components.
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