21. September 2021
An ihrem heutigen verbandsinternen Workshop hat sich SwissHoldings zusammen mit ihren Mitgliedern eingängig mit den aktuellen...
29. Juli 2021
SwissHoldings is pleased to provide comments on the Exposure Draft (ED). As stated in its comment letter to the IFRS Foundation Trustees...
24. Juni 2021
Spätestens seit der UN-Agenda 2030 ist die zentrale Rolle von Privatinvestitionen zur Erreichung einer nachhaltigen Zukunft breit...
23. Dezember 2020
SwissHoldings, the Swiss Federation of Industrial and Services Groups in Switzerland, represents 59 Swiss groups, including most of the...
28. September 2020
10. Juni 2020
In a nutshell, our main points for consideration are the following: SwissHoldings acknowledges and supports the aim to foster consistency...
29. November 2019
We do not support the proposed amendments as they currently stand. This is for the same reasons articulated by Martin Edelmann in his...
15. November 2019
We support the proposed amendments as outlined in our response (appendix) which has been prepared in conjunction with our member companies....
22. August 2019
We support the proposed amendments as outlined in our response (in the appendix) which has been prepared in conjunction with our member...
6. Juni 2019
We agree that IFRS 9 and IAS 39 should be amended in anticipation of interest rate benchmark reform and we support the approach to amending...
21. Januar 2019
We very much welcome that the IASB is addressing this topic. Whilst we have many comments to the Discussion Paper, and some criticisms of...